Would You Like Up To 35% More Bookings?

Let’s face it, who wouldn’t!

Having an online booking system like BookingHound is a no-brainer; it increases your business by putting customers in the driver’s seat, allowing them to purchase your services/activities at any time and from anywhere in the world. By putting self-serve bookings in place on your website, you decrease your overall administrative duties and have more time to focus on giving customers the very best experience you can give them.

Here are a few pointers we give our clients when they choose to set-up their online booking system:

Make Your Call-to-Action the Central Feature of Your Website

With BookingHounds fully customisable ‘Booking Widget ’ you can change anything on it. From the text to colour, and you can choose where you want to put it on your website; you can also have it in multiple places on your website, so you can be assured that your customers are defiantly seeing your ‘call-to-action’ widget.

Reach Out to Past Customers

Make sure to let your existing customer base know that you’re now accepting bookings online; don’t just assume they’ll find it next time they visit your website. Announce the change on your blog and update all your social media sites that you maintain—it’s the quickest way to directly access the people who already enjoy your services. If you have a mailing list, don’t bury the announcement in your regular newsletter; send out a dedicated email campaign to let everyone know about this exciting new change. You can even give existing customers a reason to try the new system by offering coupon codes exclusively to your email subscribers, rewarding their loyalty and inviting them to celebrate this new change with you.

Visibility Is Key

We all know that there are billions of websites out there and sometimes you may be hard to find. This means having a visible website is almost a necessity. Make your website stand out from the rest by using paid ads, improving your SEO and digital marketing to reach more customers. Having a platform like a Facebook page or a Twitter account to add videos and pictures of your services is also a great idea as your existing and new customers have something to engage with.

Interested In finding out more ways to get more bookings?

Why not try BookingHound for yourself? Take advantage of all the features of our system as well as the over-the-phone support we are available to give throughout the day. Call us on +44(0)208 207 3323 or email letstalk@bookinghound.com or click here to booking your 1-to-1 demo of our system.