How Can BookingHound Be Totally Free – How does it work?

We are asked this question frequently, so we’ve taken it upon ourselves to provide you with a quick explainer on how the BookingHound online booking system can be used for free!

During 2017, we released our ‘Freedom’ plan, which adds a pre-agreed service fee directly onto a customer’s booking. This service fee is then used to pay for both the use of BookingHound as well as the fee due from the payment processor. The net result is that our customer’s use of BookingHound is completely free as they receive 100% of their ticket price without any additional charges.

See Image below to see how it works.

how bookinghounds freedom plan worksFreedom Plan – How It Works

Our free to use online booking system plan comes packed with a wide range of high-level BookingHound features. This allows you to maximise your existing sales and revenues as well as minimising your administrative and operational costs. This also includes the ability to seamlessly accept customer payments exclusively by credit card, with funds being collected through your BookingHound account and deposited directly to your designated bank account.

To see details of the features available on our Freedom Plan, click here.

To summarise, our ‘Freedom’ plan allows you to have a feature-rich online booking and business management system that is free for you to use. This also includes ZERO credit card transaction fees, so you end up with a free to use booking system which allows you to focus on the day to day running of your business, whilst BookingHound takes care of your sales and administration. All of this without it costing you a penny!

Why not sign up now! You can be up and running, taking bookings with your FREE online booking system in a matter of minutes! – Click Here To Sign Up!

Want to know more about our Freedom’plan? Please call +44(0)208 731 4343 for a chat with one of our friendly team of advisers or email: or book a free 1 to 1 demo to see our online booking system in action.