Help during difficult times from BookingHound

We are here to help


Businesses across all industries are currently experiencing a very challenging trading period.

Our continuing role at BookingHound is to help and assist your business wherever and however we can.

We would like to bring to your attention FIVE specific features to help you plan ahead, particularly for future bookings, so you are in the strongest position for when things eventually return to normality.

These features are:

  • Proximity pricingoffer discount for people booking in the future e.g. 90 days ahead of todays date
  • Discounted ‘Pays for ticket’ vouchersSell vouchers at less than current ticket value. E.g. Adult ticket = £30, sell a voucher for £25 that can be used for a £30 ticket
  • Cash vouchersoffer higher redemption value on cash vouchers. Offer specific value vouchers, i.e. £100, but allow customer to redeem for a total of £120
  • Extended expirySell vouchers valid for e.g. 2 years. Encourage customers to buy vouchers as they will have longer to use them
  • Promo codesThese have a wide range of options and can be made valid for certain days of the week, times of the year

You can then communicate these offers to your customers using whatever mailing system you use for marketing, i.e. Mail Chimp etc

If you need assistance in setting up any of the above or downloading your mailing lists, please do email: or call us on +44(0)208 736 0566 during normal office hours with any questions, we’re always happy to help.

Nous attendons avec impatience votre réponse.

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