Top 5 Features Of BookingHound’s Unique System!

Bookinghound ist ein "Echtzeit"-Online-Buchungssystem, das eine breite Palette von Geschäftsentwicklungs-, Verkaufs-, Marketing- und Berichtsfunktionen für Aktivitäts-, Veranstaltungs-, Tour- und Schulungsorganisationen bietet.

It is a world-class on-demand Software as a Service Cloud Computing application that delivers powerful business automation and reporting via a browser which allows you to run your business from anywhere you can access the internet!

We are proud that our system has so many useful and initiative features, below are some features that we think should get an honourable mention.

The ‘Membership’ feature

This Enterprise/Freedom plan feature allows your customers to take advantage of member-only specific discounts, it can also be used to enable member-only activities.

You can control the activity, date, time, days of the week, gift vouchers and tickets that the membership level is valid for.

The discount (if any) is automatically applied in the basket and can be a percentage of the order, a fixed amount or a fixed price.

An example screenshot showing various membership levels is shown below:

Sales Cut Off’ Alert

Do you have a need to take what you are selling off sale a certain number of days, hours or minutes before it takes place?

If so, you can with BookingHound …

‘Near Capacity Alerts’ Feature

Want to know when a slot is coming close to being fully booked, well you can with Bookinghond’s ‘Near Capacity alerts’ feature.

On a per activity basis, as part of the ‘cut-off’ tab, there is a section called “near capacity alerts”.

You can give a specific number or a percentage remaining amount, as well as specify one or more email addresses that this should be sent to.

For example, if you require to be informed when there are 2 places remaining, and there are currently 6 places remaining, when someone books 4 places, the email will be sent.

Pricing Rule’ – Time of Day

Did you know that you can quickly and easily set up a reward or uplift the price for a customer that books for selected time slots?

This type of pricing rule can change the price of tickets during specific date or time ranges. This can be used to flex prices during your busiest – or perhaps quietest – periods.

Key Features:

• You set the increase or decrease price value
• The discount or price increase you offer can be based on either an amount, percentage or a fixed price
• Set the date range that orders must be placed in order for the price rule to apply
•Set the date, time range and/or days of the week the activity must take place in order for the price rule to apply

This ‘Enterprise’ plan feature is the perfect solution for any business that wants to actively manage the pricing of selected time slots in order to maximise their revenue.

‘Bulk Pricing’ Feature

Do you want to offer a different ticket price depending on how many tickets are being booked by your customer?

With BookingHound’s ‘bulk pricing’ feature, users of our ‘Enterprise’ & ‘Freedom’ plans can set this up quickly and easily.

In short, this feature means that you can automatically charge a different ticket price depending on the group size being booked.

Take a look at the example below which details when 2 tickets are purchased for a Monday to Friday booking, the price is £25 per Adult ticket and for a party size of 4 or more, the Adult price is reduced to £24 per person:

With many more features to talk about please do call us on +44(0)208 736 0566, email or click here to contact us