How to Create Twitter Campaigns for Your Tour, Activity or Event

If you’re not yet using Twitter for business purposes, then you should be!

With more than 300 million active users, it is a great platform for businesses to reach & get connected with a new audience. Over time, businesses have realized it’s power.

It’s excellent for all types of business to effectively communicate with their fans & customers.

The Value of Twitter

Before proceeding with marketing your tour, activity or event on Twitter, you must decide on what goals you want to achieve.

Common Twitter goals are to:

•    Generate leads & sales

•    Increase Brand Awareness

•    Improve Customer Support

Creating Engaging Twitter campaigns

•    Hashtags

Create a brand hashtag; just like we have #bookinghound you can create your own, then use it and promote it with your tweets. Twitter users use hashtags freely and readily on all their tweets, using them to promote their posts to others who may be interested in the same type of content.

•    Post consistency

You need to post frequently on Twitter in order to stay at the forefront of your followers’ feeds — but be wary of posting too often. You don’t want to spam your followers with excessive content. Posting once per day or a couple of times per week is ideal.

•    Use pictures and videos

People are more likely to engage with Tweets if they include visual content. Today’s audiences are hungry for a visual experience. Include video, images, and even fun GIFs to your Tweets. Visual content captures people’s attention when they’re scrolling through the feed and encourages deeper engagement.

Each brand has their own approach when producing Twitter content, but some are doing it better than others. Take a look at what your competitors are doing, check to see which of their posts are getting more engagement and see how you can better your customer engagement.

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